22-24 November 2023
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal
22-24 November 2023
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal


Book of Abstracts

Latest news

The book of abstracts has been uploaded to the website. Please take a look to get all the information about the Symposium.

The Symposium kicks off on November 21 with a welcome cocktail at Instituto Superior Técnico, where you can register and meet the other participants. See the map here.

The scientific part of the Symposium starts on November 22 in Auditório 3 of the Gulbenkian Foundation at 9 a.m. If you need to register, please arrive at 8:30 a.m.

The social program involves a guided tour to the Gulbenkian Foundation Museum on November 23. The exhibition is entitled “The best of Calouste Gulbenkian Museum”, and it lasts 1.5 hours. There are three slots: 16:00–17:30, 16:20–17:50, and 17:00–18:30 (for 20 people each). Please select a slot during registration, and if you want, you can also invite an accompanying person.

Program and social events

The program has been uploaded and includes plenary, invited, oral, and award lectures.

Lunches, coffee breaks, and conference dinner are included in the registration fee. The conference dinner will be held at Gula's for Kitchen Lovers.

There will be three poster prizes sponsored by the New Journal of Chemistry and Springer. 1st prize: 250€ + 150€ ebook voucher; 2nd prize: 150€ + 150€ ebook voucher; and 3rd prize: 100€.

Special Issues

Special issues will be published in several journals. Submissions to the Frontiers in Chemical Biology - Vanadium Biochemistry – Highlights from the 13th International Vanadium Symposium are now open.

Participants Survey

Please answer the survey to help plan the social events - Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and Social Program.

Deadline for Poster Communication submission

The deadline for poster communication abstract submission is approaching. It will close on the 27 October 2023. After that you can still attend but not present any communication.

Poster prizes will be sponsored by the New Journal of Chemistry and Springer.

Vanadis Award

The call for nominations for the Vanadis Award are now open. Check the call edital.

End of early bird registration

The early bird registration ended on the 30 September 2023. However, you can still register and send your abstract. Now it's time to plan your trip to Lisbon.

Welcome message

The 13th International Vanadium Symposium, V13, will be held from 22 to 24 November 2023 in the Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal. It will be the second time in 15 years that this key conference on Vanadium Chemistry will be held in Lisbon after the 6st edition, V6, chaired by Professor João Costa Pessoa.

V13 follows previous successful vanadium symposia held at Cancun (1997), Berlin (1999), Osaka (2001), Szeged (2004), San Francisco (2006), Lisbon (2008), Toyama (2010), Arlington (2012), Padua (2014), Taipei (2016), Montevideo (2018) and Limassol (2021, virtual edition).  

This interdisciplinary event aims to gather researchers from the vanadium research community to showcase their latest findings on topics such as coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, catalysis, green chemistry, toxicology, environmental and occupational chemistry, materials sciences and energy storage, among many other important topics. 

New vanadium compounds and new advances in its bioinorganic chemistry, including applications in enzymology, toxicology and as metallodrugs, highlight the increasing relevance of this metal ion in medicinal chemistry and give insight on its beneficial health effects. In addition, vanadium is recognized as an important metal in industrial processes, such as in oxidation catalysis and steel production, and more recently it’s becoming increasingly relevant in the development of new materials as, for instance, in energy storage and solar cells.

We invite you to participate in the 13th International Vanadium Symposium, in a beautiful setting, the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, and to share your latest research to an engaged community, that has been sharing the remarkable properties of this metal since 1986, when the first meeting, entitled "Role of Vanadium in Biology", was held. The expected outstanding quality of presenters and research will surely serve as an innovative benchmark for the following decades, allowing a wider application of vanadium in a variety of fields and impacting the life quality of future generations.

On top of the scientific program, V13 will offer opportunities for exploring historical sites and landscapes of unique natural beauty, in and around Lisbon, as well as cultural events and delicious Portuguese cuisine and wines.

We are looking forward to welcome you all in Lisbon where we hope you will enjoy a pleasant time from both the scientific and social points of view. 


Isabel Correia, Chair of the Organizing Committee

Institutional Support